5 benefits for manufacturers of having a product configurator

An example of a simple product configurator with geometric shapes on an iPad

A product configurator is a tool used by manufacturers to enable customers to customize and configure products according to their specific needs and preferences. It offers several advantages to manufacturers, some of which are listed below:

1. Product customization

  • Adaptation to specific needs: Every customer has different needs and preferences. A product configurator enables customers to select the features that best match their specific needs. For example, in the automotive industry, customers can choose engine, safety options, interior finishes, etc.
  • Interactive shopping experience: A configurator offers customers an interactive experience. They can visualize in real time the modifications made to their product as they configure it. This allows them to see what the final product will look like and adjust options accordingly, creating an engaging and immersive buying experience.
  • Customer satisfaction: By enabling customers to personalize their products, manufacturers meet their individual expectations. This makes customers feel more satisfied, as they get a product that is exactly what they are looking for. This can strengthen brand loyalty and generate positive recommendations.
  • Competitive differentiation: Personalization can be an important market differentiator. Manufacturers who offer the possibility of personalizing their products stand out from their competitors by offering a unique value proposition.
  • Adapting to market trends: Consumer preferences are constantly evolving. A product configurator enables manufacturers to adapt quickly to market trends by adding new options and features to their configurator.

2. Error reduction

  • Real-time visualization: Customers can visualize the final appearance of the product as they make their choices, reducing the risk of errors due to misunderstanding or misinterpretation of specifications.
  • Validation of technical constraints: The product configurator can integrate rules and checks that validate the technical feasibility of the choices made by the customer. This avoids proposing incompatible or unfeasible combinations.
  • Pre-configured options: By proposing pre-established configurations that have been validated beforehand, the chances of errors are considerably reduced, as customers need only select pre-configured options rather than making complex choices.
  • Consistency validation: A configurator can include validation mechanisms to ensure the consistency of choices made by the customer. For example, if a customer selects a certain option that requires another specific option, the configurator can alert the customer if a mandatory selection is missing.
  • Clear presentation of options: Descriptions, images and graphic visualizations can be included to help customers understand the choices available and make informed decisions. Clear presentation reduces the risk of errors resulting from confusion or misinterpretation of options.

3. Faster sales process

  • Faster decision-making: By using a product configurator, customers have access to all available options and can immediately visualize the impact of their choices on the final product. They don't have to go through a long and complex process of consulting with sales representatives to obtain the necessary information.
  • Reduced order processing time: The Product Configurator automatically generates an accurate, detailed configuration of the product selected by the customer. This eliminates the need to transmit order information manually, or to enter it into the order management system. By reducing administrative tasks, the time needed to process orders is considerably reduced.
  • Elimination of order errors: Customers see in real time the options they have selected, and can correct any errors before finalizing their order. This reduces the need for subsequent corrections, rework or returns of incorrect products, speeding up the overall sales process.
  • Automation of internal processes: A product configurator can be integrated with internal company systems, such as order management systems and production planning systems. This enables further automation of the workflow, from order generation to production planning and inventory management. 

4. Production optimization

  • Demand-driven production: Manufacturers can collect precise data on the configuration choices made by customers. Manufacturers can use this data to adjust production and focus on the most popular configurations, enabling more efficient use of resources and avoiding overstocking of less popular products.
  • Supply chain management: A product configurator enables manufacturers to anticipate raw material and component requirements based on the product configurations chosen by customers. They can optimize their supply chain by ensuring they have the materials and components needed to meet demand. This avoids production delays due to material or component shortages, and improves overall production efficiency.
  • Reduced warehousing costs: By offering customized products via a configurator, manufacturers can reduce the need to stock large quantities of finished products. This reduces storage costs, avoids stock obsolescence and improves cash flow management.
  • Production process optimization: By analyzing customers' configuration data, they can identify patterns and trends that help them optimize their production flows, streamline manufacturing steps and reduce cycle times. This improves operational efficiency, reduces production costs and increases production capacity.

5. Data collection and customer feedback

  • Customer data collection: Manufacturers can analyze data to obtain information on market trends, customer preferences, most popular features, etc. This information can guide business decisions, such as developing new products or adjusting existing offerings.
  • Improving product design: Customers can provide feedback on product features, options and performance. Manufacturers can use this information to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their products, make design adjustments and introduce new features based on customer feedback.
  • Customized offers: By analyzing the configurations most commonly chosen by customers, they can offer pre-configured packages corresponding to popular preferences. This simplifies the purchasing process for customers and increases the chances of satisfaction.
  • Track customer satisfaction: Customers can provide feedback on their experience of using the configurator, the quality of the configuration process and their overall satisfaction. This feedback is invaluable in assessing customer satisfaction, identifying areas for improvement and taking corrective action where necessary.

You would like to include a product configurator in your customer portal?

Our dvore solution offers various customizable modules, including a product configurator specially designed to meet manufacturers' requirements. Request a demo to discover all the features specifically designed to improve your productivity.